We donot accept deposits for booking a Hall. Full payment is required on the time of booking.
Late times surcharge
There is a £40 per hour surcharge for each hour ( or part thereof ) after Isha prayers. This is to cover extra security & cleaning costs. Please check the Isha prayers times in advance of booking.
Cancellation Charge
There is a cancellation charge of £100 if you decide to cancel a booked event
For more information, Please contact:
Name: Mr Furqan Khan
Telephone: 0207 725 2214
Office opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 5:00pm
Terms & Conditions
1. Hall booking requests are subject to approval, after which confirmation will be given.
2. The Islamic Cultural Centre (ICC) is a place of worship please dresses decently, so no tight-fitting clothes e.g. skin-hugging jeans.
3. Ladies are kindly requested to cover their heads with a scarf at all times in public on the Islamic Cultural Centre premises. Scarves can be located at the security desk.
4. Strictly no alcohol, music, dancing or smoking on the premises.
5. Halls cannot be used for any purpose other than what they are booked for. Failure to observe this will nullify the booking, the function immediately being halted and fees forfeited.
6. The hall must be left clean in the same state as it was found.
7. You must ensure that booking times are strictly adhered to, and that halls cleaned and vacated. A charge is imposed for cleaners and security.
8. Please, note that collecting funds for any other organization or any purpose is strictly NOT allowed through the premises of ICC.
9. Distributing leaflets or booklets or any other materials is not allowed in the premises of ICC, without prior permission from the ICC management before the event.
10. The capacity of the Halls must be maintained.
11. No photographs of visitors to the ICC without explicit prior approval. A Filming Request Form must be filled and signed, (see Filming Request Form).
Food Safety
1. Food Safety is subject to the Food Safety Act 1990 and associated legislation.
2. Therefore you cannot take any high risk open food such as rice, meat, and poultry or perform any cooking process on the premises.
3. Please note hiring outside food caterer is restricted. We have an onsite catering company which can be hire to provide the food.
Health & Safety
1. Throughout your stay in ICC, your personal safety is our concern. We therefore request that you kindly abide by the following:
2. All visitors & invitees are subject to the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and Building Regulations whilst on the premises.
3. Contractors must give guidance to all their visitors & invitees in before the events starts about fire exits, emergency evacuation.
4. Should any of your visitors & invitees has an accident, injury, illness, or incident during the visit, it is important to inform the security, so that appropriate assistance may be offered.
5. Contractors must make themselves aware of the ICC Safety RISK ASSESSMENT.
6. Fire Exits and Emergency exits must be clear during the event.
7. Emergency Evacuation: In the event of emergency alarm sounding please leave, the building immediately via the nearest safe exists and report to the security.
8. Do not attempt to use the lifts.
9. Do not re-enter the building until you are told by the security it is safe to do so.
10. In case of using electrical cables you should secure the wires according to the Health & Safety conditions.
1. Please note that that there are CCTV cameras in operation in the ICC.
2. Cooking or using liquids or fire of any kind is NOT allowed in the premises of ICC.
3. Keeping the place so clean after the event is the responsibility of the event organizer / Contractors.
4. In case of any breaches of any of the conditions, the ICC has the right to hold responsible legally for it.
Photos of the Registry/Nikkah Room 217

Photos of the Conference Hall D

Photos of Hall B

Photos of Hall A